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QR4 joins the Publimation Consortium

Publimation Consortium

Stronger as a team

Publimation is a growing group of small to mid size companies working together to provide more effective and efficient systems and solutions for their clients.

The members of the group have overlapping expertise yet have unique key competencies providing competent sparing partners in a friendly environment, more effective and efficient ICT engineering and continuity for the customer base.

QR4 joined the consortuim to provide Internet services, reactive web development technology and frameworks as well as interactive mobile information systems.

Publimation offers a variety of services and solutions ranging from traditional POD, DM and Web-to-print solutions to responsive interactive e-learning solutions. Another speciality of the team is optimising exisiting graphics and print production workflows.

Publimation operates in an European environment and any small development and communications companies interested in developing and delivering international applicable services and solutions are welcome to contact them about European development opportunities.

More information about Publimation is available here.


Posted by: Jeroen Steeman
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Categories: Cloud Computing | Mobile Marketing | Social Media
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Decoding QR Codes in the cloud

QR4 has launched a public cloud based service to read and decode the contents of QR codes.

Cloud Based QR Code Decoder Service

This decoder operates and functions like your average smartphone would. It accepts uploaded image files of QR barcodes, and you can also point it to images online via URL's.

If the decoder does not read your QR code image, then chances are other smartphone readers may also have problems reading and decoding it.

TIP: Make sure the QR code fills more than 50% of the image area else the decoder will ignore it. Also make sure the image has good focus.

Try the cloud based QR code reader service yourself and find out what is inside those QR codes and how they work.


Posted by: Jeroen Steeman
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Categories: Cloud Computing | QR Code Reader
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Cloud computing seems all the rage and since Microsoft has a great offer for developers to get started in Azure, it was something that had to be tried. The goal is offering QR Code services, free and paid (very similar to this blog) but as a cloud service.

QR4 Cloud QR Services

The web environment

QR4 Cloud Computing Screenshot

Offers basic QR code generators where all services and storage are cloud based. Automatic maintence of deleting outdated temporary QR codes and basic security measures above those alreadt in place are all operational.

Next Steps

Create a Sharepoint QR Code Generator App for anyone wanting to use QR codes with Sharepoint. If anyone has other great ideas for QR codes in the cloud, drop me a line.


Posted by: Jeroen Steeman
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Categories: QR Codes | Cloud Computing
Actions: E-mail | Post Information: Permalink | Post RSSRSS comment feed

QR4 is maintained by Jeroen Steeman - Geleenhof 42, 5655 AH Eindhoven - Tel: +31 (0)6 130 33 743