The thin line between quality QR codes
Most generators found on-line and offline create 'bitmap' QR codes, these images or pictures are made from a series of dots called 'pixels' and generally intended for display on a computer screen or monitor. Each image has just so many dots as is required to display the image at a set size. But what happens when you need a QR code to display perfectly no matter what size you want it.
The difference between a bitmap QR codes and vector QR codes
Below are two identical QR codes, one is bitmap and the other is a vector representation, both generated at the same original size.
Bitmap QR Code
Vector QR Code
Bitmap QR Zoom

Vector QR Zoom

Bitmap QR block

Vector QR block

Comparing the two different types of QR code files by zooming in clearly shows that the bitmap looses clarity and becomes fuzzy. This may explain why Blackberry QR Code readers have so much trouble reading these codes ;)
Bitmap QR codes are great for displaying on a screen, but often fall short when it comes to being used with most types of printed collateral.
Why do the vector QR codes retain their clarity under any magnification
The reason is simple. Vector QR codes are made of lines and then filled in with ink. so it does not matter whether a QR code bock is 1 mm by 1 mm or 1 m by 1 m. In each case a box is drawn to the required dimensions and then filled with a colour, leaving a perfect clear square no matter how large or how small you make the QR code.
Postscript Vector QR Code Outline |
Postscript Vector QR Code Filled |
Interesting to note is that this generator takes the 'Quiet Zone', the required border around the QR Code into account
Click on the image below to download the EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file that generated this QR code.
The QR code about were created by the generic matrix to vector processor developed by QR4 which is an industrial QR code generator capable of generating variable and dynamic QR codes faster than the print speed of any digital printer, and is also available on-line for 24/7 use for all our clients.
Next time your need to print QR codes, require quality results, a happy printer, and QR codes that just work better, use vector or Postscript QR codes, you will be surprised at the quality and efficiency.
For more information on the high speed EPS QR Code Generator please contact one of our members closest to you.