QR codes as art created by a true craftsman.

Old ways to leverage and implement modern technology.
I was (to say the least) mildly surprised when I came across Jens Jørgen Hansen, bogtrykker's letterpress site. Facinated to see the construction of a modern QR code for use with 570 year old printing technology. Having an electronic, but also a graphical background I was facinated by the fact Jens was busy with modern 2D barcode technology using printing equipment and technology from a nearly forgotten (manual and steam driven) age.

Shortly after contacting Jens and asking permission to use his letterpress QR code images for some projects I received an envelope in the mail. Using hand made paper, a greeting card with Jens's business card from the photgraphs, both made with care, using a letterpress.

All the tell tail signs of master craftsmanship are present even too the very fine borders around both sides of the business card.

A master craftsman embracing modern technology.
More information about the art of typography, design and graphics styling using the letterpress can be found at 'letterpress.dk'. To see how Jens constructs the QR code and makes his business card, see Jens's photo archive. Jens also gives workshops in designing and creating unique and lasting impressions using the letterpress with what he calls 'insight into the black arts.
As Jens says 'Gott Grüß die Art'.