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Create QR codes for special events, agenda's and calendars

Ideal for use with special events like birthdays, anniversaries, appointments and event marketing. These QR codes can store a date span that when scanned by a mobile or smart-phone can be placed directly into the digital agenda.

QR Code Calendar Event Generator

It's really that simple and the image above will link you to the QR code event generator so you too can make QR codes for your own special events.



Mobilizing your LinkedIn profile with the social media QR code generator form QR4.

A popular trend is to use QR codes with social media and after the Twitter and Facebook QR code generators, The LinkedIn OR code was bound to happen sooner or later. And here it is. You can use it as a mobile scanable hyperlink button on websites and blogs allowing easy access to your profile via this QR code button.

LinkedIn QR Code GeneratorMaking a LinkedIn QR code button

To create your own personal QR code, click on the image above and then in another browser window go to your profile page on LinkedIn and copy and paste the URL into the 'LinkedIn profile path' text box. Currently user profile pages start with (in this case for the Netherlands) 'https// + username'.

Type in your name or company name in the 'Title' field and press the 'generate QR code' button. Copy the image to your computer and you now have you own multi-purpose LinkedIn profile button.


Posted by: jeroen Steeman
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Categories: QR Code Generator | QR Code Use | QR Codes
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Generate QR Codes from your own mobile device or smart phone

Create QR codes on your mobile devices and smart phones. Save it for later use on your device, send it via Bluetooth, e-mail, MMS  or use it to directly exchange information between two mobile unlinked devices. A simple, effective and efficient all purpose mobile QR code generator for all mobile devices with Internet access. It does not get any easier or better than this.

To access the QR code generator, scan the QR code below or click on the image if you are viewing this page on a mobile or smart-phone (and save it to your 'bookmarks' or 'favorites list' for fast access) to get a QR code on demand when you need one, you never know when it may come in handy.

Mobile QR code generator

Mobile QR code Generator in action


Using the iPhone

Mobile QR Code Generator iPhone

Mobile QR Code Generator iPhone

Using the Nokia N95

Mobile QR Code Generator Nokia

Mobile QR Code Generator

Now you can generate screen wide QR codes on any mobile device with Internet access with this simple, fast and efficient QR code generator designed specially for mobile devices.


Posted by: jeroen Steeman
Categories: QR Code Generator | QR Codes
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So you want a QR code generator for your website too!

Well that should not be a problem. In two easy steps you can have a QR code generator for your website and also use it in other applications. This QR code API is driven by simple HTTP web requests (URLs) and returns a ready to use QR code image. A sample of how to create dynamic QR codes in your website is included.

The QR code API is located at https//


Step1: Get a QR code API key

QR4 offers free API access keys, all you have to do is ask for one to be sent to your email address. You can request a QR code API key here.

Request QR Code API Key

Besides requesting an API key, this page also shows you a working sample of how easy it is to create dynamic variable QR codes for your web pages using Java script. In the example the URL of the current web page is determined and used as content to create a QR code. You can also attach it to a database to generate QR codes with references to products or links to product pages. After you fill in and send the request you receive the API key via email.

QR Code API Key Email

The email contains your API key and it also has a test URL so you can test your key immediately to confirm the QR code generator is responding.

Step2: Making your own QR codes with the API

It's as simple as making a web request like typing in a URL, and you get a QR code image back from the service.

How it works 

The QR code generator is behind https// and accepts commands or instructions in the form of parameters. Two parameters are always needed, these are key and type, where the key is the information you received in the email, the type determines what type of QR code you want. At present four types of QR codes are supported:

  1. Text
  2. Direct call
  3. SMS messages
  4. Direct Wifi access (for Android devices)

Depending on user requests other QR code types may be added, so keep an eye on the API page for up-to-date specifications on all the new options that become available. The main page of the API is pretty clear on how to format a request for a QR code, but becareful to check what is returned. An incorrect key or wrong parameter will return HTML and not image information, this can also be used to check whether your request is valid.

A working example of the QR Code API in action

An example of how to request a text message QR code from the API showing the complete request and allowing you to determine the message via a standard input text box.


The code to make this possible is a line or two of java script you can copy and paste into your own website. It uses one text box and an image, but there is nothing stopping you to expand on this and offer more features of the QR code API in your site.

<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
        function getQR(img) {
            img.src = "https//" +
document.getElementById('myText').value; } // ]]></script>

You need to replace the 'testkey' in the request above with a valid API key and you can then allow your websites, blogs and even desktop applications and mobile devices that have Internet access to become QR code generators.


A functional demo of a QR code name tag generator.

Name Tag QR Code Generator

Name Tag QR Code Generator

Using an Excel spreadsheet as data source it generates vCard QR codes and using them makes printable and scannable name tags.

These are ideal for use at conferences, congresses, symposions and other events where people get together. The fun part is that the QR code can be used to register attendance and after that can be used to exchange contact information by scanning the QR code with a mobile device or smartphone.

QR Code Automation

The same type of QR code automation can be used to make business cards, direct mail campaigns, customer loyalty service, and more.

The free online QR Code name tag generator will generate ten name tags of 90mm by 55mm on an A4 sheet as downloadable and printable PDF file. Download the Excel file and replace the demo data with your own data, then upload it to the generator and get your own QR code name tags.

Ideal to use for your next social gathering, allowing guests to exchange their contact information directly via mobile phone easily.


Posted by: jeroen Steeman
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Categories: QR Code Automation | QR Code Generator | QR Code Use | QR Codes
Actions: E-mail | Post Information: Permalink | Post RSSRSS comment feed

QR4 is maintained by Jeroen Steeman - Geleenhof 42, 5655 AH Eindhoven - Tel: +31 (0)6 130 33 743