QR codes in the catering industry are not new, however some still need attention.
It's not often that I have the opportunity to go and eat out in a restaurant and recently I was mildly surprised to find a coaster on the table with a QR code. Having to wait to be served it's always nice to have something to keep you busy in moments when conversation at the table is in a dull.

Great a game! 'Who will be the sucker to get the next round of drinks!'

Hang on...what's wrong here? Tap...double tap (to try and scale the site into the view window), no response. Okay so no good view of what is going on and the loss of the WOW factor, which turns into confusion and dissapointment. Decided to rejoin the conversation at the table and left it at that. But did take the coaster along for some research.
The site looks great on my Windows computer at home:

But it was not at the restaurant and it does not scan QR codes, nor can it run iPone or Android apps.
This was done by a well known international 'branding' consortuim and I cannot figure out how and why they missed the mark, unless they all use the latest iPhone and expect the rest of the world to be the same. Truth be told HTML5 is used and that is worth at least ten plus points, however using HTML5 settings to block user interaction with presentation beats me.
Why did this QR code promotion for a bar game not work (for me).
1. That code is small and little 'quite space' took a heafty 30 seconds of zooming and focusing before it kicked in,
2. What I got to see on the screen was not what I expected and not the complete picture,
3. could not remedy it by user action (zooming and scalling had been explicitly forbidden!).
4. mixture of languages on the site (I know my language skills suck but it should be only one).
5. Do I really need to download another app!? Why immediately start the game (via HTML5, It got to your site = I have Internet) and offer to have it anywhere anytime via an app download.
As far as I am concerned this mobile marketing campaign is a step in the good direction to engage, entertain, bind and brand to and with customers. The actual experience on the client side (IMHO) still leaves a lot to be desired. There's a lot of 'Droid' out there and I'm sure the install base for this will not be optimal.
If there are other catering companies thinking about using QR codes on coaters in the Netherlands to entertain, bind to, or just for branding or promotion, contact Frans Hendricx - Infovijltje of Omnisense. He can get you on the right track and keep you there.