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The top 10 QR code trenders according to Google

The global trend up to Q1 2012

Global trend for QR code

Top 10 Countries searching for QR code information

1 - Hong Kong 2 - Taiwan
3 - Thailand 4 - Netherlands
5 - Singapore 6 - Czech Republic
7 - Malaysia 8 - Austria
9 - United States 10 - Canada

A snapshot of the search term "QR Code'" as registered and provided by Google. What is clear is that besides Malaysia where QR codes appear to be settled in and the teething problems overcome, the reset of the world is still very actively busy with it.

The United States is at the nineth position, yet it accounts 90+% of all published opinions and articles about QR codes. It is Malaysia that interests me, as here the hype appears to have passed rapidly as it is the only coutry on the grid with a declining request rate for QR code information.


Posted by: jeroen Steeman
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Categories: QR Code Information | QR Codes
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QR4 is maintained by Jeroen Steeman - Geleenhof 42, 5655 AH Eindhoven - Tel: +31 (0)6 130 33 743