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Find out what's inside those QR codes online.

You probably know about the Online QR Code Decoder that decodes QR code images you upload to it. The decoder API is similar, here you tell it the URL of the image on the Internet and it will return the contents as text string. It uses a simple HTTP web request method and returns a string.

Making use of a simple web request this QR code reader API can decode the contents of a QR code image anywhere on the web. It uses two parameters:

  • KEY - a required activation key to enable the API to perform the job. This key can be be requested for free here.
  • Image URL - the HTTP address of the location of the QR code image.

The API will return (as plain text) either an error message that starts with the text "ERROR:" or the contents that it has decoded from the QR code image.


Posted by: jeroen Steeman
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Categories: QR Codes | QR Code Information | QR Code API
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QR4 is maintained by Jeroen Steeman - Geleenhof 42, 5655 AH Eindhoven - Tel: +31 (0)6 130 33 743