QR codes can help those in times of need and when people cannot speak for themselves.

Many people are aware of the International *'Medic Alert'® necklaces and bracelets that should signal people and draw attention to the fact that the bearer of this amulet has potential special medical needs. The purpose of this is to speak for the bearer when the bearer is unable to. The instructions/allergies/medication/and possibly contact information for doctor and next of kin are engraved on the inside of the amulet.
* Have been approached by this organization and forbidden to use their name amongst other damands. Sad to see how corporations protect their interests.
Purpose Medic-Response:
- Enhance the existing service by providing more comprehensive information via digital resources using QR codes. This in not a replacement, but an enhancement. There is a limited amount of information you can engrave on an amulet. A qr code can open doors to unlimited information via digital networks.
- Be of service when the bearer is not in needs of direct and immediate external assistance to help them undertake what is needed to avoid the need of external assistance and to improve the quality of their life.
Why Medic-Response:
Most users using medical alert amulets rely and trust that this will convey the right information for them when they are not able to do so themselves. Imaging such a service to be more dynamic and able to assist and help the bearer to avoid a situation where they are no longer able to speak for themselves and at the same time provide more than just the basics to hopefully bring what ever caused this unfortunate situation to a healthy and happy end.
Medical Response an example:
John Doe is nearly completely deaf, suffers from diabetes, has hay fever (mild) and is allergic to bee stings. His doctor knows him well and advises accordingly. However John loves life and does and goes where it leads him, knowing that it is not always a good idea, he has gotten away with it pretty well over the past 45 years. The amulets QR code will lead you to John's public exposed information that anyone, including John can use at any time.
QR Code Service
John and anyone scanning the QR code can:
- Using GPS location find the closest hospital and either take John there or contact them via phone.
- Using GPS locate the closest pharmacy to get needed medication.
- Using GPS get real-time updates on any local situation that may have adverse effects on health (Hay fever as example)
- Using a medical password get access to John's medical folder if he chose to make this available to registered medical staff in his absence via his profile settings.
A service that John can use to get updates on things that may affect his health and possibly explain why he is feeling the way he is. Find the closest hospital to his location. Find a pharmacy in the vicinity to get medication. Real-time check on pollen counts in the area where he is located. Effective locally (where John lives) and also when John goes on holiday too, as example South Africa, United States, Europe. And a service that provides more information for and about John when he can and cannot speak for himself.
QR codes are not just for 'marketing' they can help save lives and improve quality of life.
This implementation of QR codes enhances existing medical information systems by providing more information than can be engraved on an amulet or necklace and is at the same time a service to the user in good times and also when the user is unable to speak for themselves.