France adopting and using QR codes at an increasing rate.
This is despite a very good French 2D barcode system based on the Datamatrix called 'flashcode' which has been around for quite a few years.
During a recent visit to Paris I perchance bumped into this QR code embedded in the pavement on a street close to the 'Opera'.

If you scan this QR code with a mobile phone QR reader or an online QR code reader you will get: https// Which leads you to a mobile webpage '09.12.41_PALAIS_BERLITZ' with the most interesting facts and videos about public dissorder at the buildings or places where the QR Codes are located.

An interesting concept by Raspou Team and sure to get QR code hunters scanning the streets of paris for more of these informational QR codes embedded in the pavements of Paris. A map with all the locations of the QR codes as well as how the ceramic QR code tiles were made can be found on their website Paris by RapouTeam