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QR Code Fonts

QR code symbols and font glyphs

Imagine being able to place your favorite QR codes in any document anywhere at the touch of a key on your keyboard.  Considering that printed QR codes have the most intrinsic value it nearly seems fundamental that these should be available for publishing at a key stroke.

Having your QR codes as a font means you can publish them in any document at any time and at any size. So whether you place your vCard QR code at the bottom of all your stationary, or as a designer put your Facebook like QR code on a giant poster, the same QR font set is perfectly suitable. This is because fonts are scalable to any size, from micro printing to massive billboards the font will always give a perfect sharp representation.

How QR code fonts work

A QR code is a two dimensional bar-code built with square blocks. Each block is made of four lines and then filled with a colour, preferably black. All the blocks of a QR code are placed as a 'glyph' into a 'font' and assigned to a specific letter of the alphabet. Consider placing your Twitter QR code under the letter 'T' and the Facebook QR code under the letter 'F'. In this way it is possible to place any QR code of any complexity under any key of your keyboard.

Even designer QR codes can be used as a font provided the design in monotone (one colour)

QR code font example

Provided is a free downloadable TrueType QR code alphabet font that instead of letters and numbers has a QR code that represents each letter and number (ASCII only for now). I don't think it idea to use to publish your next novel, but does show that QR codes are perfectly at home and usable as a font.


QR Code Font QR Code Alphabet Font
  • PC compatible
  • Mac compatible
  • Linux compatible
  • Usable with any word processor
  • Universally scalable
  1. Download as TrueType Font File
  2. Download as Zip File

QR Code Font Service

QR4 offers the service to turn your QR code collection into a font to enable you to publish your QR codes anywhere and at anytime. For more information about QR code fonts and what they can do for you, please contact us.


Posted by: jeroen Steeman
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Categories: QR Code Fonts | QR Code Vector | QR Codes
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QR4 is maintained by Jeroen Steeman - Geleenhof 42, 5655 AH Eindhoven - Tel: +31 (0)6 130 33 743